和風梅花肉味噌燒-Japanese-style Miso Grilled Pork Shoulde(特級梅肉)
- 梅花肉(上豬肩肉):厚度切成1厘米
- 混合味噌醬料:
- 味噌:2大湯匙
- 清酒:1大湯匙
- 甜酒(味醂):1大湯匙
- 蜜糖:2小湯匙
- 醬油:1/2大湯匙
- 大蒜(磨碎):適量
- 分量外的沙拉油:適量
- 準備豬肉:將梅肉洗淨,切成適當大小。
- 製作混合味噌醬料:在碗中混合味噌、清酒、甜酒、蜜糖、醬油和磨碎的大蒜,攪拌均勻。
- 醃製豬肉:將梅肉放入混合味噌醬料中,確保每一面都均勻塗抹上醬料。蓋上保鮮膜,放入冷藏庫醃製至少2小時或一晚。
- 烤製豬肉:將醃製好的梅肉放在預熱的烤架上,中火烤至兩面金黃,肉質熟透。
- 擺盤並享用:將烤好的豬肉切片擺盤,可以搭配新鮮蔬菜或米飯一同享用。
Japanese-style Miso Grilled Pork Shoulde - 和風梅肉の味噌焼き
- Pork Shoulder (Block): 260~300g
- Mixed Miso Sauce:
- Miso: 2 tablespoons
- Sake: 1 tablespoon
- Mirin: 1 tablespoon
- Honey: 2 teaspoons
- Soy Sauce: 1/2 tablespoon
- Garlic (grated): to taste
Cooking Method
- Prepare the Pork: Wash the pork shoulder and cut it into appropriate sizes.
- Make the Mixed Miso Sauce: In a bowl, combine the miso, sake, mirin, honey, soy sauce, and grated garlic. Stir until well mixed.
- Marinate the Pork: Place the pork into the mixed miso sauce, making sure each side is evenly coated with the sauce. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight.
- Grill the Pork: Place the marinated pork on a preheated grill, and cook over medium heat until golden brown on both sides and cooked through.
- Plate and Enjoy: Slice the grilled pork and arrange on a plate. It can be served with fresh vegetables or rice.
This miso-grilled pork shoulder is a delicious Japanese dish that blends savory, sweet, and rich flavors. It’s perfect for family gatherings or dinners with friends.
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